Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reaching Heaven - Reflections on An Exciting 2010 for my Work

Well, what a year! I almost could not believe that my wee business tripled during the past year. I participated in two gallery shows, sold several of my sculptural wool paintings, (though it is often hard to let them go!), and had an enormous purchase from a corporate client in Tokyo (see this link for the story) Really, if I add it all up, off line and  on line, I have now shipped over 1000 of my treasures worldwide. I almost need to pinch myself! Or do I. One thing I want to share is this. Nobody needs a license to create! If there is one thing I want to share with the world, other than beautiful woolly treasures, it is that notion.

If you have an idea...go for it. An ounce of courage is worth several pounds of "should haves"!

Here's something else I want to mention...Along with sharing my work with so many, so many have shared their friendship with me. Yes, many of my customers not only leave feedback on my etsy site, but send personal messages and correspond regularly. All of this is so very know that I've touched a life. For I believe the world can change for the better one kind deed or word at a time.
What to do next? I have ambitious goals for 2011. Will I meet them? Not sure. I will take it one creative deed at a time.  I can give you a hint. Since I get so much pleasure from bringing beauty into people's lives through my work, I have decided to focus on the events that are important in my customers' lives, like baby showers, blessingways, and weddings, as well as seasonal nature tables. Of course, I always enjoy suggestions of what folks would like to see more of. So if you'd like to share your thoughts, I invite you to do so.

What's more about 2010? My family is  healthy and happy. I am so blessed to have my sweet husband and daughter. Music from my hubby, stories from sweet Eva (now 6 1/2) and my work. Together the creative energy around here is invigorating. I hope to send that energy out with love!

May you have a creative, joyous, magical and healthy New Year!

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